While this is a beautiful piece of sotfware, I think it is lacking a few key features that prevent it from achieving 5 star status, especially in the light of the competition. The tabbed interface, and the powerfull hierarchy of Notebooks -> Sections -> Sub-Sections -> Pages makes for a pleasantly structured experience. The companion iOS app has the intelligence of presenting todo lists in a way that is much adapted to on-the-go usage.
Unfortunately, tags are all but useless eye-candy. They present a cute little icon, but being unsearchable and uncustomisable, they are noting more than a small icon bank. This feature needs to be fixed for the application to be taken seriously by power users.
Nonetheless, the overall experience and ease of use makes it a delightful experience. If you like a structured experience with a nice clean hieraerchy, this is the note taking - note collecting application for you. If you like powerful search features and a well toughtout tag system; or if you like a more free-form management system, stick (or check out) Evernote.
roguemonkey1976 about Microsoft OneNote, v15.22.1