I use this app to categorize my important papers into folders to make them easier to find. For instance, we’ve been doing a lot of landscaping projects, so we have a “Landscaping” folder with subfolders for each project - Sidewalks, Patios, Sod, Drainage and then all the docs that relate to those issues. Makes it so easy to track and share project data with others and across my devices (iphone, ipad, and iMac). We were using Evernote in the same capacity, but after getting a note from Evernote complaining that it’s not to be used as a document storage database, instead they only want it used for COORDINATION and PLANNING…That unsolicited comment from Evernote came although I had the premium paid service as well…so Evernote lost my business and now I’m with Microsoft and equally satisifed with their solution for document, without the limitations put on by Evernote. Thanks Microsoft.
Dennismckiney1 about Microsoft OneNote, v15.21.1